Additional Resources for Teachers, Part 2: Working for Their Lives

Note: These recommended Web sites have been checked for availability and for advertising and other inappropriate content. Because Web sites' policies and content change frequently, however, we suggest that you preview the sites shortly before using them.

Activity 2A.1: Sitting Down in Flint: A Case Study

The National Archives:

Video simulation of the Flint sit-down strike:

Griffin, Ian, Griffin Kane, and Keith Littlefield. The Great Flint Sit-Down Strike. Vista High School.

United Auto Workers (UAW).  UAW History, including sit down strikes at GM and Chrysler in Flint and Detroit.

Grevatt, Martha. “70 years ago workers won Flint sit-down strike.” Workers World.

Activity 2B.1:  Assembling Character Biographies

How to research and build your character.

Kammen, C. & Prendergast, N. (2000). Encyclopedia of Local History. Walnut Creek,CA: AltaMira Press.

Kyvig, David E. (2002). Daily Life in the United States. 1920-1940: How Americans Lived Through the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee.  

The Fiction Writer’s Character Chart.