Key Features of Professional Development


Professional development (face-to-face and online) for the Digital / Media / Arts (D/M/A) curriculum is designed to help teachers explore curriculum and instruction that will prepare students for success in college and career.

* Focus on curriculum and instruction. D/M/A professional development is designed to engage participants in exploration of the curriculum. Participants learn about its key features such as project-based learning and performance assessment.

* Collaboration. Professional development events enable participants to learn from one another and share experiences. By fostering a professional learning community, educators gain insight about best practices.

* Reflective practice. Effective professional development provides opportunities for educators to engage in ongoing reflection about teaching and learning. Participants are given time to reflect on their experiences, how the D/M/A curriculum might affect their classroom, and what new ideas they can implement to strengthen their practice.

* Career connections. D/M/A/ professional development events involve professionals froma range of careers in the arts, media, and entertainment industry. Participants learn first hand the requirements for success and the relevance of academic knowledge and skills in those careers. Participants also explore strategies to integrate work-based learning at their schools.